Brain injury60% of seizures are convulsive involving involuntary movements of the body. The remaining 40% are non-convulsive and may not be noticed, for example in something like an absence. A seizure can affect one side of the brain or both sides of the brain.
Brain Tumors
Brain infections
Birth defects
The survey, Epidemiology and aetiology of epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa, which was a survey of several reports shows in one report that there is an estimated incidence of 156 cases of epilepsy per 100,000 people each year in Uganda. This means that based on a 2014 population of 34,900,000, more than 55,491 new cases of epilepsy each year in Uganda. A second report surveyed suggests that 13% of the population of Uganda have had seizures in their life.
A 2009 report by the World Health Organization (WHO), Global disparities in the epilepsy treatment gap: a systematic review, says there is a treatment gap of more than 95% for epilepsy in Uganda. That means that more than 95% of people with active epilepsy are not receiving the correct treatment for their epilepsy.
The 2013 report Prevalence of active convulsive epilepsy in sub-Saharan Africa and associated risk factors: cross-sectional and case-control studies shows that approximately 1.8% of the Ugandan population has active epilepsy. That means that based on 2014 population of 34,900,000, 628,200 Ugandans have active epilepsy.
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During a seizure groups of neurons fire randomly and excessively |
Childhood epilepsy is a common, socially stigmatising and largely treatable disease. Despite this there remains a large treatment gap between the number of children with epilepsy and the number receiving appropriate anti-epileptic drug (AED) treatment. To understand reasons for the treatment gap, treatment methods and beliefs of carers were prospectively analysed for 18 children with epilepsy attending the paediatric neurology clinic at a government hospital in Uganda.Epilepsy is subject to stigma and prejudice, meaning that those suffering from epilepsy do not get the correct treatment, this article, Epilepsy causes social stigma in Uganda, states the problem clearly:
The majority of carers (61%) believed that their child's seizures had a supernatural explanation. Of these, 40% believed that their child had been bewitched or possessed by evil spirits and 50% believed that their child's seizures were caused by “Ebihungu” (meaning “birds”). 83.3% of the children with epilepsy had used complementary therapists before attending a Western medical health facility. Of the respondents using complementary therapists, 73.3% used traditional healers alone, 6.7% used spiritual healers alone, and 20% had been treated by both. Traditional healers used herbal remedies, charms, rattles or scarification marks. The cost of visiting hospital was considerable, both in transport costs and time away from farming. Traditional healers incurred great cost in the purchasing of herbal remedies. The average duration of time before starting appropriate AEDs was less than one month for children who received no complementary therapy, and 22 months for children receiving treatment from traditional healers. The influence of the family's social network on treatment seeking behaviours was considerable. 46% patients continued to use traditional medicine or spiritual healing whilst taking AEDs, suggesting many of the caregivers perceived some continuing benefit from these alternative treatments.
The popularity of alternative practitioners in the treatment of epilepsy and their continued use when taking AEDs underlines the perceived usefulness of the treatments they offer. Programmes to decrease the treatment gap in childhood epilepsy would need to include close collaboration of Western medical practitioners with traditional healers, who could help identify and refer children with epilepsy, whilst continuing to play a supportive role in the community in a culturally sensitive way. This collaboration is important as neither Western medicine nor complementary therapists can satisfactorily manage the needs of the patient and their family alone.
Epilepsy is twice as common in Africa south of Sahara as in the industrialized countries. But the sufferers seldom get the right medical treatment. The patients are met with prejudice about witchcraft and stigma and are often taken to the traditional healer instead of to the established health system. And those who seek help in the health system often face a lack of appropriate medicines. Wrong medical treatment can have fatal health consequences, and a new cross disciplinary research project at The University of Copenhagen now investigates the use of medicines for children in UgandaBearing in mind the treatment gap and the associated stigma and prejudice it is interesting to see the experience of a child with epilepsy in Uganda. This article, Raising an epileptic child, discusses some of the problems parents encounter bringing up a child with epilepsy:
Throughout history epilepsy has, also in the Western world, been linked to myths about its causes and treatment. The illness has been considered to be caused by anything from demonic possession, punishment from the gods or lunacy. On the African continent, epilepsy is still linked with prejudice and this leads to major problems with wrong diagnoses and medicine use. In Uganda there are officially 156 new cases of epilepsy per 100,000 citizens every year, but the number is estimated to be far higher:
"We know there are at least twice as many cases of epilepsy South of Sahara as in the industrialized world. It is difficult to say exactly why, but researchers work with the theory that parasites in the brain can contribute to the disease," explains Ebba Holme Hansen, professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, at the University of Copenhagen. She is coordinating a new research project in Uganda which among other things focuses on the local population's understanding of epilepsy.
"The epilepsy sufferers are confronted with prejudice and stigma because of the violent seizures which make the patient lose control, roll the eyes back and foaming at the mouth. Neighbours and families often assume the sufferer is possessed by evil spirits and, further, the condition is wrongly considered as being contagious," says Professor Holme Hansen.
Epilepsy is mistaken for malaria: The local population hesitates to contact the established health system which offers free medical treatment to patients when the correct diagnosis is made. Instead people prefer the traditional healer who tries to force the evil spirits away with herbal potions and rituals. In the established health system epilepsy is categorized as a mental disorder similar to depression and alcoholism.
Another problem is the side effects of the epilepsy drugs. Epilepsy drugs can cause drowsiness and this in turn can cause trouble for schoolchildren, reinforcing the stigma. For this reason the local Ugandan people are liable to interpret the symptoms as malaria, which also is a serious disease but far more common and far less controversial than epilepsy. At the same time the epileptic seizures can be mistaken with the fever cramps from severe malaria.
Focus on children and medicine use: Wrong diagnoses lead to wrong medical treatment, and combined with lacking medical supplies this has fatal consequences. This is the focus of the new interdisciplinary research project Quality Medicine Use for Children in Uganda, which investigates the use of pharmaceuticals for children in Uganda:
"Currently there is very little established knowledge about children and medicines in Africa, but we have strong indications of wrong use of medicines and medical malpractices in connection with e.g. epilepsy resulting in grave health problems. One cannot treat children as small adults and simply minimize the doses. It is complicated and children are a fragile patient group", explains Prof Holme Hansen.
In Uganda tablets for treatment of epilepsy are free, but the liquid medicine which is more suitable for children is very expensive - and the family pays the bill. But even if they wish to buy the medicine, they cannot be sure to get it.
"The health clinics have a certain amount of money to purchase drugs for and epilepsy medicine is often prioritized lower than e.g. antibiotics. Hence, even if your child suffers from epilepsy and you wish to buy the right treatment it can be difficult to receive the medicine", says Professor Ebba Holme Hansen.
Jjuuko Batesita, 9, looks pale, is weak and unable to walk due to abnormalities brought on by illness. According to his parents Proscovia Nabayinda and Julius Sserwadda, the boy seemed normal in his early years.Is epilepsy a disability? I was surprised to learn that some people in Uganda do not consider epilepsy to be a disability. In the blog Albinism in Uganda it was shown that when a person with an impairment or disability interacts with the world around them they encounter barriers. This is called the social model of disability (see Models of Disability). Epilepsy is clearly an impairment. Stigma and prejudice come from peoples attitudes and are barriers. In short epilepsy can be considered a disability because people with epilepsy face the same barriers that persons with disabilities (PWDs) face getting an education, finding a job, finding a home, and gaining respect from others because of the stigma and prevailing myths about epilepsy (see Epilepsy Ontario: The Human Rights Code.
On carrying him, one discovers that he has no muscle tone particularly in his arms and legs, which forces him to fall.
From his wheelchair, one can see that his skin is covered with rashes.
His mother says when she gave birth to him in 2007 at Kyannamukaaka Health Centre III, she didn’t notice any problem. She says the baby began to lose appetite for both food and drinks at one and half years of age.
The couple, who are residents from Kibutamu-Kabira in Rakai District, went in search of something to stimulate their son’s appetite.
“Doctors recommended that we buy soya and also juicy fruits which we tried for several months,” Nabayinda recalls.
By the time Jjuuko was expected to start walking, he made no efforts to move. This prompted the couple to visit Kyannamukaaka Health Centre III to find out what had gone wrong with their son.
They were, however, referred to Mulago National Referral Hospital where doctors discovered that Jjuuko was suffering from epilepsy brain disorder. It was then recommended that he undergoes surgery.
“My son was weak and also had difficulty in breathing,” Nabayinda adds.
Since the family could not afford the Shs1m which was required to carry out an operation, they continued giving Jjuuko some tablets such as carbamazepine and folic acid which, they say, give him some relief.
Three years since Jjuuko left Mulago Hospital, he has been seeking treatment at Kyannamukaaka Health Centre.
“The daily expenses in Mulago were too high and the doctors told me that if he is to be operated , it would require over Shs1m which we could not afford as a family,” Nabayinda adds as her eyes brims with tears.
Every week, the family gets treatment worth Shs72,000 at Kyannamukaaka Health Centre a long with other requirements such as a bottle of honey. Jjuuko’s mother adds that he also suffers diarrhoea and frequent colds.
According to Dr Owor Bosco, who handles Jjuuko at Kyannamukaaka Health Centre III, the latter needs intensive care and treatment.
“Jjuuko is seriously sick. He needs intensive care and treatment. We are trying our best, but medication for his congenital abnormalities are expensive,” Dr Owor says, adding that the boy also faces a challenge of muscle stiffness and rigidity which makes him unable to walk.
Dr Owor encourages Nabayinda and her husband to feed the patient with adequate greens and fruits so that hehe can enough energy.
“I also advised them to give him porridge (soya) accompanied with one spoon of margarine everyday,” he adds.
According to Fr Paul Lumala, a Clinical Science and Counselling expert, all types of diseases can be treated. “Parents should be conscious of their children who suffer from these illnesses and search for treatment when it is still early. Epilepsy damages the central nervous system,” Lumala explains .
A patient with epilepsy is advised to do enough physical exercise and also eat foods rich in iron and calcium which strengths the bones and teeth. Lumala dismisses claims that epilepsy is a result of witchcraft .
“This disease is real and it can be treated in Butabika and even Mulago Hospital. People who take it for granted and call it witchcraft are simply ignorant,” he says.
He advises parents and other caretakers of children suffering from epilepsy to always shield them from getting in touch with fire, ductile and other glassware materials which may be harmful to both the victim and others .
Epilepsy explained: Epilepsy, according to medical experts is a group of related disorders characterised by a tendency for recurrent seizures. A seizure occurs when a burst of electrical impulses in the brain escape their normal limits. These spread to neighbouring areas and create an uncontrolled storm of electrical activity. There are different types of epilepsy and seizures.
Epilepsy drugs are prescribed to control seizures, and surgery may be necessary if medications are ineffective.
When identifiable, the cause of epilepsy usually involves some form of injury to the brain. For most people, though, the cause of epilepsy is not known.
According to the Epilepsy Foundation based in the US, there are about 180,000 new cases of epilepsy each year across the world. 30 per cent of these occur in children. Children and elderly adults are the ones most often affected. In Uganda, there are 156 documented new cases of epilepsy per 100,000 citizens every year, but the number is estimated to be far higher.
How epilepsy is treated: The majority of epileptic seizures are controlled by medication, particularly anticonvulsant drugs.
The type of treatment prescribed will depend on several factors, including the frequency and severity of the seizures and the person’s age, overall health, and medical history.
An accurate diagnosis of the type of epilepsy is also critical to choosing the best treatment. Medications used to treat epilepsy include; carbamazepine, diazepam and phenytoin phenobarbital.
The choice of drug is often based on factors such as the patient’s tolerance of side effects, other illnesses he or she might have, and the medication’s delivery method.
Although the different types of epilepsy vary greatly, in general, medication can control seizures in about 70 per cent of cases.
However, these drugs have also side effects to the patient. The occurrence of side effects depends on the dose, type of medication, and length of treatment. The side effects are usually more common with higher doses, but tend to be less severe with time as the body adjusts to the medication.
Anti-epileptic drugs are usually started at lower doses and increased gradually to make this adjustment easier. One of the best rules in medicine is to ‘’go low and go slow.’’
Side effects may include; double vision, fatigue, sleepiness, stomachache, skin rashes, low blood counts, liver problems and at times hair loss.
First aid for a patient: Different types of seizures may require different responses. It is applicable that an epileptic patient should always carry medical identification, in case of an emergency. Knowledge of his or her seizure disorder can help people around to provide appropriate medication.
Also relatives should reassure the child and check to see if he or she got hurt from the fall. If the seizure is a first occurrence, a medical check-up is recommended.
Parents are also advised to move child away from hard, sharp, or hot objects. Put something soft under child’s head.
Turn child on one side to keep air route clear. Do not put anything in child’s mouth or give liquids or medicines during or immediately after the seizure.
In summary, epilepsy is a heavily stigmatized illness that has many superstitions attached to it. Given the correct treatment, most people with epilepsy will be able to manage the symptoms, some will even be able to stop taking the drugs they are taking. There is a vast gap in knowledge about treatments that means many people do not get the correct treatment. This treatment gap causes the needless suffering of many people with epilepsy. We owe it to the more than 55,000 who will be diagnosed with epilepsy each year to remove the stigma and prejudice and get the treatment right.
For more information about Epilepsy contact the Epilepsy Support Association Uganda (ESAU).
ReplyDeleteMy son was diagnosed with epilepsy in his early age (4years), there was no known cause or reason, many investigations have since taken place to achieve a diagnosis, It came from nowhere. I cannot describe to you how helpless we feel as parents, our happy life was turned upside down. We felt shocked, devastated and utterly helpless. All we could do was to hold and comfort him. His seizures contributed to his lack of developmental progress. If he was in the midst of doing something he would fall over or just curl up into a ball. I also have a Youtube video. It is a very difficult symptoms, despite continued medical intervention we are unsuccessful in stopping her seizures. We have tried multiple medicines, including CBD and a special diet, but all to no avail. Dr. Allen!!!, your input bring about his recovery. I will forever be indebted to you. I was delighted to share this information to Epilepsy Research UK, and I would urge anyone who also have same symptoms to try such a worthy path because this is the only way to improve the lives of those diagnosed with epilepsy. To get more information, write
I am very happy to share this few lines of my testimony to the world and let the know that there is power in herbs, my daughter has Epilepsy and she always had seizure every month and this seizure can happen anywhere, this has been making me sad and my daughter also has been so sad about this because this has been happening to her since birth and its been 17years now of trying different herbs and medical doctors so that we can put a stop to this condition but nothing was working out and I lost hope in everything, not until one blessed day a friend of mine give me more courage and told me not to loose hope that I should keep trying and one day God in heaven will answer my prayers. I keep trying all the time every blessed day and one day I read about the wonderful works of Dr. Uribhor Breeze on newspaper and I quickly contacted him because I have more faith in the testimony I read about him on Newspaper, I explained everything to him and he asked for my address, after sending him the address, I got DHL tracking number and Receipt from him and he told me once I received the medicines that I should call him so that he can explain how to use it for me, I was so happy and waiting patiently, after three days I received it and I was directed how to use the herbs, to God who made me after my daughter finished using this herbs for one month, the seizure stopped and I contacted my Doctor and she was mark epilepsy free, I was so happy because God has finally open all doors that was closed before and I decided to watch her for some months, its over eight months now, no seizure anymore and she is free forever, this is a great news and I am sharing this also because there are thousands of people outside who needs Doctor help, I will advise you to contact him and the God who has done it for my daughter will also do it for you too, Amen.
DeleteDoctor Email is
Feel Free to contact him now and believe me your testimony is waiting for you
Website is
DeleteJust wanna say a big thank you Neme Amber for introducing me to Dr Emmanuel the great HERBALIST that helped me prepare home remedies that cured my herpes (HSV 2).
DeleteI was infected with HSV 2 for the past two years and i was unable to get a better job cos all the company i was to get employed checked our blood test and found out that i was positive to GENITAL HERPES and i loosed employment.
So i was desperate to get a cure so that i can live normal and get my job training.
i earlier made some research and i contacted some doctors online but they keep on asking for money for courier after that they'll tell you that tax and so more so i became broke and frustrated.
One day i was less busy so i decided to make latest research on herpes cure and i found a site were everyone was talking about DR Emmanuel and herbs ability to cure herpes.
So i discussed with Neme Amber and she explained to me that its very easy working with Dr Emmanuel so i contacted DR Emmanuel via email ( ) and he helped me just as he has helped others now im cured and different medical centers has tested me and approved me cured.
so i decided to thank Neme Amber cos she made it possible for me.
and i can also assure you that he can also help you. so if you need the service of DR emmanuel, ill put his details here so that you can easily get in touch wif him.
his email: or WhatsApp him at +2348140073965. instagram ig:@dremmanuel2
my Name is Grace from US,once again thanks to Neme Amber. im fucking hapy....
Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer ETC
DeleteHello viewer’s
DeleteI don’t have much to say there are so may scammers going on online so we cant detect the real herbal medicine doctors. Thank GOD for leading me, please don’t ignore this post is real Dr Emmanuel, is a real herbal Doctor, he cured me from Herpes virus, i am living so happy and free , i was fully recovered within 4 weeks of usage of dr Emmanuel herbal medicine ,please viewers out there that have any deadly disease don't fail to contact him via his email; or WhatsApp/Call: +2348140073965 thanks once again to dr Emmanuel GOD bless you abundantly
I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Emmanuel who cured my Herpes virus with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly Herpes virus (HVS) for the past (4)years now; I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have did, few days after i went back to the same hospital that previously confirmed me as Herpes virus positive and this time the result declared me negative to the deadly virus of Herpes I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, suffering from AIDS, ALS,hiv/aids,copd, asthma.. Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can rich him now via ? Gmail address: ( or WhatsApp number +2348140073965 he been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searchingthrough the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Emmanuel helped someone in curing his Herpes virus using his healing
DeleteHerbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to a preparation for the herbs items, of which I did exactly what he instructed me to do, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
thank you.
Thanks to Dr Odoma the great herbal man that help me enlarged my penis from 3 inches to 10 inches. my partner broke with me because of my poor sex life and my i had premature ejaculation and little penis cause i was not able to satisfy her on bed, i almost spent all i had on pills because i was ashamed , until i saw people testimonies online about this Doctor recommendation online for penis enlargement, and i emailed him and he told me how to get the cream ( Whats app number +2348100649947
DeleteI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I came across testimonies of some people of how Dr ehiaguna cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you Dr ehiaguna because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on telling the world about you. If you are going through same situation worry no more and contact Dr ehiaguna via or WhatsApp him via +2348073908953 he is good too to cure all type of disease and virus.1 HIV cure
2 cancer
3 diabetes
4 hepatitis
5 herpes.
You can contact if you are having any problem...
Hello viewers all over the world am Jacky scob, I want to testify of what Dr Lewis hill did for me. i was having a very notorious and serious sickness called seizure and i was very in lost of hope i never believed i was going to be cured until i meant these great man called Lewis hill who God sent to help me cure my sickness . just a few moment with these great man he cured my infection His herbal remedy is the only permanent solution to Seizure. i want you to know that all hope is not lost until every thing is done if you also have these following infections contact his email
ReplyDeleteNATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE: Our son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage, Our son's seizure is constant throughout the day according to EEG results. We had used several medicine which include: 600 Epitol 100 Zarontin,
ReplyDelete150 Epitec X2 Daily, Topomax lasted for about 3 days, but I put an end to that due to my son losing weight and being lethargic. I recently got dr williams herbal medicine,that's a natural medicine that cure my son Epilepsy with no side effect. It is an herbal medicine. it is a permanent cure and effective treatment of Epilepsy, for more info, you can also contact Dr.William with this email for advice and his product
I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic epilepsy ,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible illness ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how his son was been cured from epilepsy through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 4 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of epilepsy within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign of seizure.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
ReplyDeletemy son have been a patient of epilepsy . I had tried a lot of anti viral med prescribed to me by doctors over how many years now but I could not see any improvements in my son symptoms. One day when going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people from epilepsy,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for my son which i received and he used it as instructed by dr williams. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. the sleepiness and the abnormal behavior stooped ,on thing now he is so full of life. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from can contact him through his email on advice and for his product THANKS TO YOU ONCE AGAIN DR WILLIAMS
NATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE: Our son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage, Our son's seizure always occur twice in a week according to EEG results. We had used several medicine which include: 600 Epitol 100 Zarontin,
ReplyDelete150 Epitec X2 Daily, Topomax lasted for about 3 days, but I put an end to that due to my son losing weight and being lethargic. I recently got dr williams herbal medicine,that's a natural medicine that cure my son Epilepsy with no side effect. It is an herbal medicine. it is a permanent cure and effective treatment of Epilepsy, for more info, you can also contact Dr.William with this email for advice and his product
ReplyDeletenow i have a beautiful smiling face and so are which you all, after reading my testimony. My name is Nita, I am 31 years old,
And live with my boyfriend in Belgium, but I am UK. I have been diagnosed with epilepsy since birth, which the Doctors told me this condition was forever. I know how you feel and what you are going through, I don't have a baby though. I just want to tell you that I am cured now,with the help of doctor williams herbal medication, the last time I can remember having epilepsy was January this year. It was a long and difficult process but I am so thankful to dr williams I don't have it anymore. Please know you can be cured too. Accept what happened and is happening to you, forgive, let the past go, love yourself and others unconditionally and be thankful. Everything happens for a reason. If you want to be in contact with dr williams and share your own testimony and thoughts feel free to e-mail him on; for advice and for his product.
ReplyDeleteI feel obliged to share this story this Christmas season. I’m always reminded that no matter what one goes through in life, there is hope if we are willing to try. I am glad that after several years of battling with my grandson’s seizures, HILTON Herbal medicine came through for us. This Christmas makes it 3 years he became totally free from grand mal after countless doctors visited, and a lot of drugs we used which had several side effects on his health yet never procure a cure for him.
There is so much to say about HILTON, I recommend it to anyone battling with seizure. Jason was totally cured from a seizure he suffered for 15 years. I am glad I did my best as a grandfather to see him take back his life. I admit it was hard convincing his parents to use HILTON, as they believed so much Western medicines. My son being a medical Doctor saw herbal medicine as not properly researched enough. I became so convinced having read a lot of testimonies and Dr. Mohan giving me his words of complete cure through HILTON. I took up the responsibility of getting HILTON and using it for him with his parents consent. I struck a deal with my son that I will spend my personal money and he will triple whatever I spent if Jason is completely cured. This was all to make them shift ground and give me a go ahead to use and use HILTON. I was totally convinced having used Herbs for over 65 years of my life, I know the true power of nature.
I am not a good story teller, but I can assure anyone, as old man who has seen a lot in the world that HILTON is working and the world should recognize Herbs as a panacea to epilepsy. I also appreciate Dr. Mohan for staying true to his words of complete cure and no side effects. Here is where I found help for Jason
ReplyDeleteI am sharing this story for a family member who suffered seizure for 7 years. I am doing this, because I was the caregiver during her dark days and she gave me the honor to share it so that others can be helped through HILTON which cured her. It was a tough a battle for her; I was not actually the one who hard seizure, but bearing the burden makes me understand what parents whose children and love with epilepsy go through.
Lesia now 25 and was diagnosed with Grand Mal epilepsy at the age of twelve, for seven years, she fought against her diagnosis. I must admit it was never easy for us as a family; we had to constantly watch her, and answer questions that we couldn’t explain. On several occasions, she asked if she will ever stop falling down, get well like her school mates and be the best swimmer she dreamt of becoming. She was a very happy child; and had a ‘normal’ childhood and there was no suggestion that she would later on develop epilepsy.
She refused to accept defeat and fought seizure. She religiously kept to her medications in spite of their side effects. We all wanted a cure, so that she can chase her dream and live a normal life like every other child. But the more she takes these medications, the more her school grade drop. She couldn’t concentrate and we noticed that her memory was being severely adversely affected. Each time we went back to the hospital, her medicines were changed to a different one. Seems like, each change of drug brings about change in side effects. After about 6 years on Lamotrigine, Tegretol, and other medicines, it seemed the seizures started to increase in frequency. I had to make effort to reduce her medicines with plans to eventually stop it all. We found an alternative treatment in homeopathy, which was better than her English drugs. Gradually, I reduced her drugs, and her seizures were no longer as frequent as it was as when she was on conventional drugs.
With our little breakthrough with homeopathy treatment, we made further search for natural cure. Fortunately we saw testimonies about herbal medicines which cure epilepsy. We saw a lot of claims though, contacted them and didn’t get a useful reply. Lucky for us, we finally got a reply from Doctor Mohan, he directed us to his blog where we saw a lot of information about his herbal medicine called HILTON. Without further delay I made a purchase for her, I switched her over to it. We had great breakthrough, that in 2 months, her seizure reduced. After 7 months as Doctor Mohan promised us, all seizures stopped. It was like a miracle for us. It has been 7 years Lesia became seizure free. Her story is quite lengthy, I hope it help someone out there. You may contact Dr. Mohan to know more via his email on. or visit his blog via
"With Dr Williams,herbal medicine I felt very empowered after my son started his medication and the results came very quickly I might add. Contrary to what my doctor had recommended for my son, (that epilepsy have no permanent cure) I have succeeded in less than 4 weeks to treat all the symptoms associated with my son epilepsy (including the anxiety , and the abnormal behavior ) and within 4 weeks, my son epilepsy was completely gone. Thank you so much for this terrific publication. I also my son have recently experienced a symptom-free of headache , which was nothing short of remarkable, considering the awful state my son was in before I was introduced to dr williams life changing medication,for more information on how to get his medicine you can email him in
ReplyDeleteALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.
ReplyDeleteAre you hurt and heart broken by your illness, here is your solution, Dr Patrick. is the solution to your problem, I want to quickly tell the world that you need not to worry because i have good news, for those out there that are facing similar situation, because there is always hope and a solution to all problem,i saw a comment posted by said Gerald Jay from USA, on how he was free from his Herpes 2 with herbal medicine by Dr. Patrick , i and my friends was diagnosed of genital herpes infections for the pass two years , i contacted said Gerald Jay and he told me that this very doctor cures genital herpes, cancer , and he also cures HIV/AIDS AND HPV HIV JOCK ITCH HEPATITIS B ALS too, then i contacted DR. Patrick , so he told me what to do, to get healing and free from genital herpes and i told my friends, so we make provisions for the HERBAL MEDICINE which we used for two weeks and days, now just to see that the exact week which doctor Patrick told me i we be healed i was felling good and healthy , my skin regained, we went for check up in the hospital and my doctor told us that all the virus disappeared from my blood vessels and normal, then said Gerald Jay from asked us to promise him that i we testify of his good herbal work to the world, so we like you to contact doctor today on whatsApp phone number is +1 (412) 338-3358 and website is if you have any health issue i believe Dr. Patrick we help you . thank you all for the help and for hearing my good news abut Dr. Patrick...
CURE TO EPILEPSY WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECT: My son was diagnosed with epilepsy. My son epilepsy was something i don't understand he cry so bad that he was usually in bed for about 8 hours and soreness killers (even prescription strength) don't stop the crying (except taking him out) even if he take triple the dosage. my son symptoms was really so bad,that we have to make hospital our home, and all the doctors would do is monitor it, prescribe him countless of control pills and pain medication with no positive result. until recently I contacted a Doctor who put an end to this problem. If you are having same problem with epilepsy son contact Dr. William for advice and possible solution without any side effect (
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say a huge thank you to Dr Williams for everything he have done in my life. I have been in tears for so many years now, having found that my only son is suffering from seizure, lesion after some years of being under extreme stress., . I spent 24 hours freaking out and finally calmed down after reading some testimony on here about Dr Williams herbal medicine to seizure. The moment came and I mumbled out to my husband about Dr Williams product (with a few tears) and he was AMAZE – . He was just worried about our son been free from this disorder that was how will order for Dr Williams product on line , after my son finish taking Dr Williams medicine for just within a period of one month. Will went to the doc together who confirmed that he was seizure free.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for being upfront, truthful and taking this pain away from my family for more information about his product you can email him on i hope you can also help other terrified people in a similar situation.
I recently have some difficult conversations and I did what a lot of people do when they want to know how to do something. I googled it. I came across Dr Williams herbal medicine on YouTube so many people thanking him about his good work. I also have epilepsy. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my epilepsy status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Williams for everything he have done for my family ,after taking Dr Williams medicine i was completely free from epilepsy within one month of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on for help
ReplyDeleteThanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, my wife have been suffering from epilepsy for so many years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to get my wife out of this , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after she took his medication as instructed, my wife is now completely cure from epilepsy within one month of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my wife life back again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have someone with epilepsy you can email him on for more information .
ReplyDeleteThis was the question I asked Dr. Mohan and he gave me a choice to either continue with Tegretol and Vimpat or give HILTON herbal medicine a try. Fast forward to 3 years ago, I have been seizure free. I have to say this, with all earnest conviction, that among those who claim to sell herbs for epilepsy cure online, it was only Dr. Mohan that convinced me genuinely of what his company Greener Herbal World offers.
After several search on the internet; bought a lot of seizure medications, for 5 years grand mal and absence seizure. HILTION herbal medicine came through for me. I had my doubts about herbs; I belonged to epilepsy support forum where we are always told that we have to learn to be happy living with seizure, telling us all manner of things against herbs and that nothing can cure it. So I lived “happily” in mystery in fear of herbs. See! Fellow is all lies. These pharmaceutical companies want to keep making money off vulnerable sick people.
Having used English drugs with its side effects, I can tell you in all truth that HILTON works. I have contacted those who claim to offer cure, only Dr. Mohan is exceptional, real and understanding. I will recommend him to anyone. I have done that to the epilepsy forum and a lot of people in the forum have thanked me for their healing. I have been 3 years totally and permanently cured. I am glad; I stepped out to be free. I am not selling HILTON, I am a six figure CEO in Qatar and an American, I have to do this to help people. You want to know how I got my doubts resolved and got cured, visit Dr. Mohan via
My 46 years old brother has (type1) had seizures for about 15 years now. The most serious one occurred last month. The paramedics responded and immediately wanted to call the local police department, since he became violent. When I arrived to his home, I explained to them he was type 1, and they said what he was experiencing was not diabetes related. My brother was in a fetal position, spitting and both arms were curved inward to his chest. Once he arrived to the ER, they too said ct scan and blood work was normal and released him. He is still unaware of what happens during the episodes and only recalls feeling faint prior to the day came across David post thanking Dr Lewis hill for curing his son seizure problem, and i got the contact of Dr Lewis hill i quickly contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is 100% permanent cure, and that was how i got the medicine which i used for my self, after which i went for medical test It worked! Over a year now, have not show any symptoms of seizure and I believe that i have be cure if you need his help email him on
ReplyDeleteAm One of the happiest woman on earth since my son was cured from the problem of seizure,which he has been having for eight years now,he do have the attack two to three times a week,which is affecting is education and his life.i got the contact of a doctor from the post of one Mr paul thanking him for curing his seizure problem,i got the contact and contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is a permanent cure, and that was how i got the medication which i used on my son,and for six month now there have been no sign of seizure in him again.any one with such problem can contact him on his email
ReplyDeleteNATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE: My son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage, Our son's seizure always occur twice in a week according to EEG results. We had used several medicine which include: 600 Epitol 100 Zarontin,
ReplyDelete150 Epitec X2 Daily, Topomax lasted for about 3 days, but I put an end to that due to my son losing weight and being lethargic. I recently got dr williams herbal medicine,that's a natural medicine that cure my son Epilepsy with no side effect. It is an herbal medicine. it is a permanent cure and effective treatment of Epilepsy, for more info, you can also contact Dr.William through this email for advice and his product
I want to introduce this doctor who cured me and save me out of the sickness of EPILEPSY, With miraculous spiritual powers , herbal healing powers and herbal medicines from natural herbal plants. DR Godwin. He use pure natural herbal remedies and his to heal and solve all sicknesses, infections as well as solving all problem nature of man kind For more information email: and you can also contact him or whatsapp him on +2349063798253
ReplyDeleteI am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic epilepsy ,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this illness was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible illness ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how his son was been cured from epilepsy through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 4 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of epilepsy within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign of seizure.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help
ReplyDeleteI recently have some difficult conversations and I did what a lot of people do when they want to know more about something. I googled it. I came across Dr Williams herbal medicine on YouTube so many people thanking him about his good work. I also have epilepsy. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my epilepsy status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Williams for everything he have done for my family ,after taking Dr Williams medicine i was completely free from epilepsy within one month of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on for help
ReplyDeleteBlogger SARAH MORGAN said...
WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT EVER HAPPEN TO MY LIFE. My name is sarah, i was sick of cancer for past two years. my mum and my sister have taken me to all kind of hospital and different places still yet no good result. my sister decided to go through the internet and search for cancer cure she find a lady called HUGHES LAURIE testimonies, to the world about the goodness Dr Akhigbe herbal medicine cure.
The man who know the herbal root to cure all kind of disease in all area the herbal man email is So we decided to contact the herbal man for my cancer to cure. My sister contacted him and told him
my problem he replied my sister that I should not worry that my cancer will be
cure, he also said that there is a herbal medicine that he is going to prepare for me to drink for three weeks to make me heal, that we are to only pay for the delivery services.. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my mum paid for the delivery services fee. four days later I received the herbal medicine from the courier services so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the three weeks complete i was healed completely and it was like a dream to me my mum and my sister we were very happy about the miracle of Dr Akhigbe. my mum wanted to pay him money the herbal man did not accept the offer from my mum, but , he only said that I should tell the world about the work of his herbal medicine so am now here telling the world now .He call his nick name as the godfather of herbalism, he also cures diseases like: HIV/AIDS,HERPES,CANCER,ALS,EPILEPSY, HEPATITIS A AND B,DIABETES. If you or your relative having any kind of diseases and you cant get cure from the hospital please email; or whatapp him on +2348142454860 he own the cure and will cure you.
Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had a small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on
ReplyDeleteso I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact DR OLU on( or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426
Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had a small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on
so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact DR OLU on( or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426
Hello everyone. I was heartbroken because i had a small penis, not nice to satisfy a woman, i had so many relationship called off because of my situation, i have used so many product which i found online but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments about this specialist called Dr OLU and decided to email him on
so I decided to give his herbal product a try. i emailed him and he got back to me, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal pills for Penis t, Enlargement Within 1 week of it, i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, ” and now it just 2 weeks of using his products my penis is about 9 inches longer and am so happy..feel free to contact DR OLU on( or whatsapp him on this number +2348140654426
ALL THANKS TO DR OSEPH FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. joseph,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking joseph medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.
DeleteALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR THE GREAT DEED HE HAVE DON FOR MY FAMILY.This information will be useful for Epilepsy patients who is willing to use herbal medicine. My daughter had temporal lobe epilepsy, She had seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode. Our daughter's seizure is constant throughout the day. We had used several medicine which include: Epilim and Keppra, experience seizure control at the cost of serious debilitating side effects. It was during a casual conversation with a friend that I learned about herbal Dr. William,who uses herbal medicine in curing people from epilepsy,i was so glad to contact him on his email and make an order for his medication, it does not have any side effect. I am so glad to say that she has been seizure-free since July 2015 after taking William medicine. this a miracle cure?contact him for more detail ( thanks once again admin for such an informative blog.
ReplyDeleteI am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from seizure, I have suffered from seizure since the year 2011 with so mush anxiety ,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the fainting and muscle spasms , until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including seizure, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure my Generalized tonic-clonic seizure , but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from seizure just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from seizure you can contact him through his email on for help.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, I have been infected with HSV 1&2 which I contacted from my partner since 3yrs with a lot of outbreak and different syptoms which almost cost me my life. One day I came across one herbalist online who I contacted through mails and phone calls, but it cost me some money and now I'm cured. A big thanks to God and Dr.Silver and you can reach him on
ReplyDeleteI am very much happy to share to every viewers that is reading this,I want to inform the whole public of how I got help for my herpes, I wanted this since 6 months ago, I have also taken treatment from some doctor,few weeks back I came on the net to see if I will be able to get any information as to cure my herpes, on my search I saw various testimony of people who was helped by a great man called Dr Akhigbe and without any hesitation, I contacted him, I wrote to him and and he guided me, I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for me and indeed 3 weeks after I started using the medicine, I was completely happy as it worked for me.I went to the hospital for check up and indeed I was declared negative from my disease, and I also waited again for two weeks and went back to another hospital for check up to be fully sure and to my great surprise I was still declared negative, and I decided to share this great opportunity to those people out there fighting this sickness, You can contact him now for your medicine to cure your diseases, contact his Email; or Whatsapp +2348142454860. website.
ReplyDeleteDr Akhigbe also cure diseases like..
Chronic Disease
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
Eating Disorder
Back Pain. etc
contact him for your solution
New diagnostic techniques, drugs and interventions being introduced to treat Epilepsy at BRAINS. Please visit Brains Hospital to know more.
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Chung. I am Chinese, resident in America. My child Mei was 3 years old when she lost her mother, sad story. I and her grandmother have been taking care of her. Her seizure started at the age of 5. So I got confused and disorganized, never had such experience. It became a life of visiting hospitals and making sure her medications were taken. After four years, she had no improvement. We used all Chinese natural treatment, the frequency of her seizure never ceased. Gladly I got to hear about HILTON through a video I watched on YouTube, and I made inquiry and found it was really working for people. I have always believe in herbs being a born in China. Herbs are true healers. Finding Dr. Mohan was a great sprint to Mei total recovery. We ordered HILTON after I presented Mei health information to Dr. Mohan. The delivery was faster than I thought. Two months after use, Mei got a lot better than when she was on carbamazepine and Dilantin. It has passed one year and Mei seizure has stopped completely after using HILTON for Treatment. As a parent, I know the pain of watching your child get sick. There is help with HILTON herbal medicine. I will encourage you to read it up about it by clicking this link
Am One of the happiest woman on earth since my son was cured from the problem of seizure,which he has been having for eight years now,he do have the attack two to three times a week,which was affecting his education and his life.i got the contact of doctor Williams from the post of one Mr Paul thanking him for curing his seizure problem,i got the contact and contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is a permanent cure, and that was how i got the medication which i used on my son,and for six month now there have been no sign of seizure in him again.any one with such problem can contact him on his email on for more information.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, my wife have been suffering from epilepsy for so many years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to get my wife out of this , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after she took his medication as instructed, my wife is now completely cure from epilepsy within one month of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my wife life back again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have someone with epilepsy you can email him on for more information .
ReplyDeleteNever give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer ETC
ReplyDeleteThis is a complete post for epilepsy. I was in the look out for more details on the condition and your blog just solved my issue. I'm also in touch with a Neurosurgeon in Chennai . It is not easy to cope but I'm in need of help to get my father treated.
ReplyDeleteHello viewer’s
ReplyDeleteI don’t have much to say there are so may scammers going on online so we cant detect the real herbal medicine doctors. Thank GOD for leading me, please don’t ignore this post is real Dr Emmanuel, is a real herbal Doctor, he cured me from Herpes virus, i am living so happy and free , i was fully recovered within 4 weeks of usage of dr Emmanuel herbal medicine ,please viewers out there that have any deadly disease don't fail to contact him via his email; or WhatsApp/Call: +2348140073965 thanks once again to dr Emmanuel GOD bless you abundantly
I'm so exited to share my testimonies about the Good Work of Dr. Emmanuel who cured my Herpes virus with his herbs, I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly Herpes virus (HVS) for the past (4)years now; I had spent a lot of money going from one Hospital to another looking for way to get rid of this disease, the hospital have been my home everyday residence. Constant checks up have did, few days after i went back to the same hospital that previously confirmed me as Herpes virus positive and this time the result declared me negative to the deadly virus of Herpes I decided to share my testimony, that nothing is impossible with God, God use a man to healed me. No matter what you are passing through, no matter how deadly the sickness is and no matter what the situation is God that did mine is still going to do yours, suffering from AIDS, ALS,hiv/aids,copd, asthma.. Cancer,Hpv, any kind of disease, you can rich him now via ? Gmail address: ( or WhatsApp number +2348140073965 he been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searchingthrough the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr.Emmanuel helped someone in curing his Herpes virus using his healing
ReplyDeleteHerbs, quickly I copied his email just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to a preparation for the herbs items, of which I did exactly what he instructed me to do, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he
thank you.
Thanks to Dr Odoma the great herbal man that help me enlarged my penis from 3 inches to 10 inches. my partner broke with me because of my poor sex life and my i had premature ejaculation and little penis cause i was not able to satisfy her on bed, i almost spent all i had on pills because i was ashamed , until i saw people testimonies online about this Doctor recommendation online for penis enlargement, and i emailed him and he told me how to get the cream ( Whats app number +2348100649947
ReplyDeleteI have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) disease for the past four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday. This disease started circulating all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr VOKE and she gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to Dr. VOKE telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm I never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that I have cured, after some time I went to my doctor to confirmed if I have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr voke on
ReplyDeletecontact Dr VOKE today for your problem to be solve for you just as my problem have been solved for me also, via Email
I visited different hospitals but they gave me a list of expensive drugs to treat the symptoms and never cured me. A close friend of mine introduced me to a Herbal Doctor who cured her. I was scared to contact him because of what I experienced from fake doctors. She encouraged me and gave me his email contact,and I contacted him and I asked him a series of questions, i also asked him to show me the results of those he has cured with his herbal drugs,and he gave me all the information I needed that gave me hope. He sent Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me. Now I am free from epilepsy. God bless you for being a sincere and great man. Am so excited and am free from herpes virus. you can reach him via email; or whats-app/call on +2348162868851.
ReplyDeleteHello my son is 8 years old and had is first seizure at 2 years he was diagnosed with generalized epilepsy at 5 years old has been on medication since until doctor got him off and on he broke out on a seizure lasting almost 10 minutes he was put back on medication and the meds even increased ever since were back to his moody ness, tantrums, waking up every morning struggling and at night when asleep his body is constantly twitching mostly from his upper body, he had another big seizure and were still at it with all these moods. we tried different meds nothing was really working. I never stopped battling it, I’m open and supportive when looking at alternative and procedures. I saw someone comment on a website. Her daughter had seizure and she used a herbal medicine for her daughter seizure and she was seizure free. I’m glad that it was possible. I was ready to try anything that we help my son, i had a conversation with the Dr . I decided try the herbal medicine, I purchased the medicine. my son started taking the medicine. I was shocked to see my son improve, he stop having seizures. his more active and no more seizure. I’m so happy to see my son seizure free. Do as much google research as you can and do not give up on trying. If there is improvement continue, if there is no improvement stop and try something else Everyone is different. thank God my son is seizure free. you can email him on
ReplyDeleteAll thanks to God and Dr AGBOMIAN for curing my EPILEPSY disease completely with the help of his herbal medicine He told me he also cure diseases like... {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}HERPES {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} ALS {7} HEPATITIS Contact him or WhatsApp +2347040843115
ReplyDeleteThere is a great herbal man called Dr voodoo who can cure Hepatitis B virus and other deadly diseases with the use of natural herbs to cure Hepatitis B virus problems. He is from Africa and he is a great doctor and he can also cure you as well if you are have the problem And other deadly disease and here is email address or Whatsapp +2348140120719 HERPES CURE,CANCER CURE,HIV/AIDS CURE,HPV CURE
ReplyDeletePost is very useful.Thank you this usefull information.
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Addressing epilepsy in specific regions like Uganda requires culturally sensitive approaches and access to appropriate healthcare resources. Meri Sehat recognizes the unique challenges faced by individuals with epilepsy in Uganda and offers support through its platform. Through online doctor consultations and community initiatives, individuals in Uganda can access expert medical advice and support tailored to their needs, empowering them to manage epilepsy effectively and improve their quality of life.
ReplyDeleteI had my first seizure. I was in high school and didn't want anyone to know that I had epilepsy. I had seizures on two occasions. I was so ashamed and didn't want people to think that something was wrong with me. I finally got to the point where I told people that I had epilepsy. I came to the place that I realized that I had to own my epilepsy or it would control me. Epilepsy hadn't really affected my life until about 9 years ago after my first child was born... I am a wife and mother of two beautiful children. I have lived with epilepsy for 20 years Yet, my life has been dramatically impacted by epilepsy. I had search for cure online without no hope. I met a Man called Dr Adams, i contact him I made an order of his medicine and I do not experience seizure anymore i was cured form it. So if you are in the same situation as mine contact him on this email [ ]
He cure listed diseases